Monday, 28 March 2011

Analysis Of Existing Products

Analysis of Existing Products looks at other films which contain features, effects or story lines which can influence or give us ideas for our product without us directly taking the idea and using it. By analysing existing products we will be able to come up with broader ideas in our final brainstorm and create a better product for our audience to watch and enjoy while still having the effect on the audience which we wish to create.

Name: Seven (SE7EN)
The opening sequence to this film creates a lot of mystery and questions for the viewer while at the same time giving a hint of what they should expect to happen. We will use this in our films title sequence also to create mystery.

Name: Saw
This film contains a killer who has a good reason to kill (so he believes) which we wish to include in our film. Also he does not simply kill them he mentally plays with their sanity at the same time.

Name: Psycho
Although old fashioned this film, unlike any of the others creates a supreme level of mystery throughout with a lot of twists and turns while still including a key feature. Murder. This is the type of effect we want to have on the audience with our film. We want to let the audience know the basic details of what is happening throughout the film but at the same time not knowing enough, making them want to watch on and find out more while still experiencing a feeling of fear and excitement at the same time.

Name: Hostel
Very much like Saw it contains sadistic murders and gore which is what we wish to include in our film.  The murderer in our film will not only murder his victim but use the most insane torturous methods of making his victims suffer before ending their lives. In the opening sequence none of this will be shown as we will want to keep the audience in suspense at first but further into the film, the true psychotic actions of the murderer become more clear.

The films which are our competitors also contain many factors which we would like to include in the opening of our film. The opening sequence for Seven is a huge inspiration to us as it has a huge impact on the viewer. It makes the audience as many questions as well as foreshadows what is likely to happen in the film without revealing too much. Also as our film is going to be based on a lunatic murderer Saw, Seven and Hostel each are good films to draw ideas from as each of them contain this. Psycho is very old fashioned however that too is also inspirational to the group as throughout the whole film it creates mystery and makes the audience think that they have the correct answer to their questions only to make them change their mind soon after.

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